This is a semi-permanent method of curling your eyelashes. Curled eyelashes will enhance the appearance of the eyes and will normally last between 4-5 weeks. This is a method of enhancing your eyelashes and your face giving an open eyed look. All therapists offering this treatment have attended full training and are fully qualified.
What happens during the treatment:Using a small roller and water soluble glue, the lashes are rolled and separated to help ensure a beautiful natural appearance. Perming lotion is then applied to the lashes and left for 15 minutes followed by the application of a neutralizer. This is then left for a further 15 minutes under cover. Finally, damp cotton wool is used to gently remove the roller, leaving you with enhanced curled eyelashes.
For improved effect, tint will be applied directly afterwards.
Important:You will need to visit the salon for a patch test at least 48 hours prior to the treatment to ensure no allergy exists. If you have had any known eye disorders in the past, please discuss this with the therapist at the time of booking.
Eyelash Perm & Tint